WEBVTT 1 00:00:08.233 --> 00:00:10.408 As well as creating manual backups 2 00:00:10.903 --> 00:00:12.349 Akeeba Backup Professional 3 00:00:12.627 --> 00:00:14.192 offers us the opportunity 4 00:00:14.235 --> 00:00:15.443 to automate the process 5 00:00:15.433 --> 00:00:17.533 with cron jobs ensuring that 6 00:00:17.508 --> 00:00:19.507 we always have an up to date backup. 7 00:00:21.306 --> 00:00:23.915 Go to schedule automatic backup. 8 00:00:24.741 --> 00:00:29.065 Here we can see the information for creating Command Line cron jobs 9 00:00:29.215 --> 00:00:31.046 the recommended method. 10 00:00:31.581 --> 00:00:33.521 This does require that you can use 11 00:00:33.487 --> 00:00:35.812 the Cron interface of your web host. 12 00:00:36.814 --> 00:00:39.397 Here Akeeba Backup Professional 13 00:00:39.692 --> 00:00:42.277 is showing you the exact syntax to use 14 00:00:42.491 --> 00:00:43.956 in your cron job. 15 00:00:44.292 --> 00:00:48.247 However you will see that the beginning (path/to/php) 16 00:00:48.548 --> 00:00:50.816 needs to be changed to 17 00:00:50.878 --> 00:00:53.320 to be the actual path of your hosts 18 00:00:53.361 --> 00:00:56.575 PHP CLI executable 19 00:00:57.017 --> 00:00:58.325 if you do not know this 20 00:00:58.370 --> 00:00:59.904 your host can provide it to you. 21 00:01:00.441 --> 00:01:02.673 So to begin let's copy this 22 00:01:02.915 --> 00:01:04.915 and go to our hosting panel. 23 00:01:09.647 --> 00:01:11.647 My host uses cPanel 24 00:01:11.926 --> 00:01:15.339 and this video assumes that you are using cPanel as well. 25 00:01:16.248 --> 00:01:19.571 Locate the Cron icon. 26 00:01:19.712 --> 00:01:20.988 As you can see 27 00:01:21.175 --> 00:01:24.007 in my case it is right at the bottom in the Advanced Group 28 00:01:23.935 --> 00:01:25.935 but it may be different on your host. 29 00:01:27.371 --> 00:01:30.181 Now we need to set the details of the cron job. 30 00:01:31.583 --> 00:01:33.123 Remember a cron job 31 00:01:33.207 --> 00:01:35.207 is just a timed activity. 32 00:01:35.824 --> 00:01:37.524 Here I can see that I can set it 33 00:01:37.711 --> 00:01:40.155 to run twice an hour, once an hour, 34 00:01:40.211 --> 00:01:42.211 once a day etc. 35 00:01:42.803 --> 00:01:44.803 I am going to chose once a day 36 00:01:45.397 --> 00:01:46.760 In this example 37 00:01:46.924 --> 00:01:48.368 it is going to take place 38 00:01:48.489 --> 00:01:51.094 at the top of the hour at midnight. 39 00:01:51.734 --> 00:01:53.962 Now we need to put the command here 40 00:01:54.052 --> 00:01:55.823 in the Command box. 41 00:01:56.173 --> 00:01:58.620 This is what we copied from Akeeba Backup 42 00:01:58.749 --> 00:02:00.117 So let's paste it in 43 00:02:00.786 --> 00:02:02.597 BUT remember to change 44 00:02:02.756 --> 00:02:05.267 the /path/to/php 45 00:02:05.621 --> 00:02:07.196 On my web host 46 00:02:07.324 --> 00:02:09.324 /path/to/php 47 00:02:10.950 --> 00:02:17.723 is /usr/local/php7/bin/php-cli 48 00:02:17.921 --> 00:02:19.839 but it may be different on your host 49 00:02:20.069 --> 00:02:22.069 and you should confirm this with them. 50 00:02:23.723 --> 00:02:26.763 Finally click Add New Cron Job 51 00:02:27.239 --> 00:02:28.743 and we can see that the cron job 52 00:02:28.847 --> 00:02:30.323 has been created 53 00:02:30.444 --> 00:02:31.989 and at midnight every day 54 00:02:32.161 --> 00:02:33.861 this command will be executed 55 00:02:34.090 --> 00:02:36.815 and a backup will be taken of your web site. 56 00:02:38.384 --> 00:02:40.751 So now thanks to the cron job 57 00:02:41.084 --> 00:02:42.719 a backup will take place 58 00:02:42.771 --> 00:02:44.075 every single day 59 00:02:44.337 --> 00:02:45.886 at the designated time.