WEBVTT 1 00:00:07.408 --> 00:00:08.728 A backup of your web site 2 00:00:08.978 --> 00:00:10.978 is only useful if you can restore it 3 00:00:12.098 --> 00:00:14.368 perhaps you need to change your web host 4 00:00:14.457 --> 00:00:15.997 or even move the site 5 00:00:15.993 --> 00:00:17.253 from a development server 6 00:00:17.309 --> 00:00:18.249 to a live server. 7 00:00:19.850 --> 00:00:20.730 To begin with 8 00:00:20.813 --> 00:00:22.813 take a brand new backup of your web site. 9 00:00:29.408 --> 00:00:31.408 Once the backup is complete 10 00:00:31.678 --> 00:00:33.248 go to Manage Backups 11 00:00:33.910 --> 00:00:36.630 and download the backup file to your computer. 12 00:00:40.530 --> 00:00:42.530 Now we've downloaded the backup file 13 00:00:42.590 --> 00:00:44.380 we need an additional program 14 00:00:44.517 --> 00:00:45.607 called Kickstart 15 00:00:45.819 --> 00:00:49.509 which you can find at the akeebabackup.com web site. 16 00:00:50.121 --> 00:00:51.361 Go to download. 17 00:00:52.179 --> 00:00:55.559 You will find the akeeba kickstart here in the backup section. 18 00:00:56.810 --> 00:00:58.977 Kickstart is a standalone program. 19 00:01:00.118 --> 00:01:03.138 Click download to download the file to your computer. 20 00:01:05.508 --> 00:01:06.828 Here we can see 21 00:01:06.858 --> 00:01:09.048 that the Kickstart program is a zip file 22 00:01:09.218 --> 00:01:11.578 and we need to extract that. 23 00:01:14.357 --> 00:01:16.263 We can see we now have a new folder 24 00:01:16.270 --> 00:01:18.270 with all the kickstart files in. 25 00:01:18.792 --> 00:01:23.352 The only one that you actually need is the kickstart.php file 26 00:01:23.473 --> 00:01:25.277 all the rest are language translations. 27 00:01:25.596 --> 00:01:28.776 We now need to transfer the kickstart.php 28 00:01:29.123 --> 00:01:30.599 and our backup 29 00:01:30.706 --> 00:01:32.706 to our brand new web host 30 00:01:32.740 --> 00:01:35.250 To do that we will use a FTP program. 31 00:01:36.748 --> 00:01:38.288 I am going to use filezilla 32 00:01:38.760 --> 00:01:42.044 but you can use any ftp program that you like. 33 00:01:43.431 --> 00:01:45.541 To begin with connect to your new server. 34 00:01:47.059 --> 00:01:49.419 Once connected make sure 35 00:01:49.527 --> 00:01:52.240 you are in the public html or the web root of your server. 36 00:01:53.655 --> 00:01:56.315 Now you need to transfer the backup file 37 00:01:56.815 --> 00:01:59.655 from our local computer to our live server. 38 00:02:00.373 --> 00:02:03.173 I am just going to pick that up and drag it across. 39 00:02:08.156 --> 00:02:11.120 We now need to take that kickstart.php file 40 00:02:11.255 --> 00:02:13.255 and do exactly the same thing. 41 00:02:14.607 --> 00:02:16.917 Select it and drag it across. 42 00:02:18.304 --> 00:02:21.114 That's it with the filezilla for now 43 00:02:21.374 --> 00:02:23.374 so let's go back to our web browser 44 00:02:23.461 --> 00:02:26.581 and go to our brand new web site. 45 00:02:26.984 --> 00:02:29.738 As you can see I have a holding page in place 46 00:02:29.987 --> 00:02:32.041 to show that the web site is coming soon. 47 00:02:32.675 --> 00:02:34.675 So just go to the special url 48 00:02:34.902 --> 00:02:36.902 for kickstart.php 49 00:02:37.024 --> 00:02:39.512 The kickstart program is now running. 50 00:02:39.582 --> 00:02:42.225 Kickstart is NOT an installation program 51 00:02:42.736 --> 00:02:45.469 it is a special archive extraction tool. 52 00:02:45.431 --> 00:02:47.719 Click here to remove this message 53 00:02:47.679 --> 00:02:51.004 and we can see that it has detected the archive file. 54 00:02:51.026 --> 00:02:53.714 We have several methods of extracting the files 55 00:02:54.030 --> 00:02:58.109 On most good web hosts we can use the hybrid method. 56 00:02:58.622 --> 00:03:02.344 Finally click START to begin the extract process. 57 00:03:02.903 --> 00:03:05.894 kickstart has now extracted the backup file 58 00:03:06.452 --> 00:03:08.452 and provides a link to the installer 59 00:03:08.532 --> 00:03:10.532 that was built in to the backup. 60 00:03:11.787 --> 00:03:14.240 The installer is a very simple process 61 00:03:15.001 --> 00:03:17.146 we begin with the required settings 62 00:03:18.399 --> 00:03:20.858 as you can see they are all set to yes 63 00:03:21.581 --> 00:03:23.319 If any are set to No 64 00:03:23.420 --> 00:03:24.889 you wont be able to proceed 65 00:03:25.015 --> 00:03:27.015 and you need to speak to your web hosts 66 00:03:27.040 --> 00:03:28.590 to rectify the errors. 67 00:03:29.603 --> 00:03:31.603 We can now click Next 68 00:03:32.705 --> 00:03:34.533 I know need to enter 69 00:03:34.632 --> 00:03:35.915 the database connection details 70 00:03:36.107 --> 00:03:38.107 that I have got from my web host. 71 00:03:38.975 --> 00:03:40.661 Enter the server hostname 72 00:03:41.565 --> 00:03:43.230 which is usually localhost 73 00:03:43.189 --> 00:03:45.148 but that may depend on your hosting 74 00:03:45.657 --> 00:03:49.164 and your DATABASE username and password. 75 00:03:49.745 --> 00:03:52.351 And finally the database name 76 00:03:52.369 --> 00:03:54.726 that you want to install your web site on. 77 00:03:55.515 --> 00:03:58.464 This is something that your host will have provided to you 78 00:03:58.649 --> 00:04:00.283 or you will have set up yourself 79 00:04:00.389 --> 00:04:02.050 within your hosts control panel. 80 00:04:02.301 --> 00:04:04.301 And click next. 81 00:04:05.376 --> 00:04:07.376 The restoration process of the database 82 00:04:07.493 --> 00:04:11.408 has now completed and we can click to continue. 83 00:04:12.826 --> 00:04:15.453 We have now have the opportunity if we wish 84 00:04:15.610 --> 00:04:18.274 to change the site name and the email address 85 00:04:18.809 --> 00:04:23.027 in most when you are restoring a site you won't need to do this. 86 00:04:24.562 --> 00:04:27.389 If we scroll down there is also the opportunity 87 00:04:27.527 --> 00:04:31.881 to change the password and email address of the Super Administrator 88 00:04:32.867 --> 00:04:34.867 Finally click Next again. 89 00:04:36.684 --> 00:04:39.327 The sites configuration has all been setup 90 00:04:40.131 --> 00:04:42.131 Close this window to return 91 00:04:42.182 --> 00:04:45.243 to the Kickstart program and click on cleanup. 92 00:04:46.283 --> 00:04:49.651 This will remove the kickstart.php file 93 00:04:49.662 --> 00:04:52.087 and that big backup archive from your web space. 94 00:04:53.195 --> 00:04:56.338 Now that we're done we can visit our web site 95 00:04:56.451 --> 00:04:58.666 and here we can see that the web site 96 00:04:58.716 --> 00:05:00.432 has now been transferred 97 00:05:00.465 --> 00:05:03.544 from our old hosting account to our new one.